Open Hours: Mon – Sat: 09 am – 06 pm, Sunday: CLOSED


About Spoken English

Spoken English

Language is the method by which we share our ideas and thoughts with others. There is an enormous challenge for non-English speakers when it comes to excelling in spoken English to meet professional needs. Groovy IELTS Institute is recognized as the top-most provider of Spoken English Classes in Bathinda. Communication holds a vital role when applying for a job role these days. Most of the IT and non-IT students and professionals, find it very tough to communicate effectively despite possessing the necessary skills to carry out high-end jobs which eventually results in decreased job placements. Groovy is located at the heart of Bathinda, Ajit

Singh Road and caters to students from the city as well as the cities located nearby. As our nation’s population comprises more than 50% of youth, the need for being competent in spoken English has increased rapidly in all the sectors. English plays a fundamental role in everyone’s life nowadays, as it is the most widely used language in official communications. Be it medicine, management, finance, engineering, or computer science; our youth only lacks on one front, which is proficiency in speaking the English language.

In this era of increasing proximity and decreasing geographical boundaries, Language ceases to be a barrier in Communication, in fact knowing more than one Language adds to the skill of an Individual. English has ceased to be a foreign language to India, instead, the language has been assimilated into our daily routines and we have come up with what is increasingly being known as ‘Indian English’. Hence the excuse of being Unfamiliar in English Language and lack of proficiency is harmful to a person’s own interest.

Importance of Spoken English Classes

Whether it is for job search or to study abroad, learning English can help in growing in life both personally and professionally. One can compete in the global job market, improve career skills, and build a connection with people around the world if he is proficient in Spoken English. Groovy is the best Spoken English coaching institute in Bathinda.

Spoken English is essential due to the following few points.

  • English is a language recognized globally
  • Employment chances highly improve if one is proficient in Spoken English
  • English is an official language of 53 countries which helps in building links with people around the world.
  • Traveling becomes a lot easier if one possesses knowledge of the English language.
  • The number of opportunities for studying in different countries increases if a student is proficient English language.
  • English is the language that is widely used on the Internet as several websites are written in English.
  • As many of the top journals are published in the English language, it gives access to research and information.